Eco-leaders for Eco-friendly communities

The project ”Eco-leaders for Eco-friendly Communities” (abbreviation Eco 4 Eco) is a cooperative partnership project in the area of youth. We cooperate in the project with the following partners: Asociacija ”Socialinis hubas” from Lithuania (project manager), i4ea from Greece, Volunteer Hub from Georgia, and Inkubator sreće from Croatia.

The project duration is 01.12.2023 – 30.11.2025 and the project is supported by Erasmus+ through the Lithuanian National Agency.

Eco 4 Eco project aims to foster the development of critical skills in young people, such as eco-awareness, social and emotional learning, and leadership which are essential for 21st century. Through the use of ”Newspaper theatre”, the project seeks to prompt reflection on socially relevant issues and engage young people in learning and promoting social change.

The concrete results of the project will include the database of best practices; webinars on leadership and eco-awareness; online and face-to-face training for youth community leaders; a trainers’ manual with a toolkit on using the Newspaper theatre method for eco-awareness; and multiplier events such as Newspaper theatre performances.

Check out the project’s Facebook-page here and webpage here.

For more information about the project, you can contact the persons listed below.

Jaana Härkönen
