Valo is a social enterprise, that works to advance the employment opportunities of those in the weakest position within the labour market.
What is a social enterprise?
A social enterprise’s primary business objective is to provide one ore many benefits to society, rather than to accumulate wealth for it’s owners or shareholders. Social enterprises are private and third-sector operators, which…
- aim to provide societal benefits as their main objective
- use most of their profits to advance their cause or mission
- stress accountability and transparency in their operations
- stress democracy and involvement in their management
Working toward a more inclusive labour market
We want to do our part in advancing and better facilitating social entrepreneurship in Finland. We are part of a comprehensive multi-organization project (Yhteiskunnallisten yritysten liiketoimintaedellytysten parantaminen) funded by the European Social Fund, that aims to do just that.
Our primary focus in the project is work integration and advancing the employment opportunities of those in the weakest position within the labour market, partially disabled or incapacitated. We are systematically gathering and sharing best practices, actively influencing policy makers and authorities and are producing publicly available material and training relating to this facet of the labour market.